Kamille Karn    

"Hey, not sure who the hells you are, but if you're here, that means you have questions. Ask em' and then beat it. Nobody likes a nosey ass eh?"As spoken by [Kamille Karn].

    RULES & INFO    

    ALIAS    Teru      
    AGE    36      
    PRONOUNS.    He/Him      
    TIME ZONE.    central time      


  • Keep IC and OOC SEPARATE!

  • I'm LGBT+ safe and won't tolerate any kind of slandering. Lalafell players are welcome.

  • Don't godmod. It's boring and makes you look lame af.

  • Lalafell friendly. Lalafell rpers deserve to have their characters treated as the adults they're portrayed as. Just like your tiny catgirl with small breasts gets to be treated as the adult she's portrayed as. Don't be a dick.

  • I'm cool with some lore bending. My house is basically the FFXIV equivalent of the TARDIS.


  • I'm always avaliable on discord! Just tell me what you want haha. My tag is: unflinchingmaverickteru

  • I have a twitter! @kamilleXIV feel free to dm me!

  • I also have a bluesky specifically for Kamille. right here

    ABOUT / INTRO    

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Leader of the hunt    

    NAME    Kamille Karn, AKA: Chinua Dotharl
    ALIASES    The Huntmaster, The Cursed Daughter
    AGE    36
    SPECIES    Au Ra
    BIRTHDAY    8th sun of the 1st Umbral Moon
    GENDER    Female (she/her)
    ORIENTATION    Pansexual
    LOCATION    Lives in the Mists
    OCCUPATION    Leader of the Astral Hunt


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    HEIGHT    5'11"
    WEIGHT    184 lbs
    HAIR    Her black hair is usually in a bob that covers most of her face, but she's recently been putting it up in a small ponytail.
    EYES    Violet due to aether being tainted by her voidsent tenant. They were initially teal. Her limbal rings glow and eerie blue.
    SKIN    Kamille has dark skin peppered with scars and freckles. It's actually very smooth.
    BODY    A little chubby and oddly acrobatic, Kamille looks like she'd be more at home on a stage or dancing in a caberet then on a battlefield. Kamille has wide hips and fairly large breasts and would rather not hear your comments on them. Her scales and a deep blue and her tail is also much bigger than the average Au Ra and she's very proud of it.
    VOICE    Raspy and tired IE: Tharja from Fire Emblem
    OTHER    She has quite a bit of hidden piercings, not that you'll see them anytime soon

Pics and Art! (Might be A Lil Spicy)    


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    MBTI    istp
    ALIGNMENT    chaotic neutral
    TEMPERMENT    lazy and relaxed
    ENNEAGRAM    enneagram type 8

    + TRAITS    brilliant, trustworthy, protective, helpful, goofy
    - TRAITS    lazy, insecure, brash, impatient, a pervert

    LIKES    Seafood, books, owls, cooking, woodworking, butts, anything Magitrek related, and rain.
    DISLIKES    Cowardice, radical Garleans, overly sunny weather, people assuming she's willing to autograph one of her books in public.
    HOBBIES    magitek tinkering, learning to cook, dancing, writing the next volume of 'Amorous Fist'.


"I think we're gonna have to kill these cultists guys."

    Canon Classes    

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Reaper is Kamille's naturally gained class, refined after spending over a decade with her adoptive father who was a seasoned and deadly reaper. The voidsent she was born with is a weaker than average succubus who claims she's what's left of the voidsent Queen Scthatch.


The art of swinging a sword really fast was something her uncle Jojo helped her learn. She had no idea it was a Turalli thing she just really liked having two swords. She excelled.


Her uncle Jojo taught her to wield a gunblade as soon as he was sure Kamille wouldn't shoot her face off. Mixed with her combat prowess as a viper and her skill at maintaining magitek, her skill with a gunblade is pretty proficient. She's added several unsafe modifications to it and swings it with and odd amount of force.

Dark knight.    

This class is a product of Kamille's aggression. She's an angry woman and it eventually manifested shortly after she became a reaper. She has it under control but she does her best to keep her rage in check, she knows the damage she could do if she ever lost control. her Aunt Sayu also helped her learn to harness her power.


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Kamille is a daughter of the Steppe. Not that she knows what that means since she was abandoned as a toddler for being a monster by her Dotharl parents. Kamille was born with...a secondary passenger. A voidsent. The thing was so entwined with her aether that they needed each other to live. Pure symbiosis. Her parents at first saw the voidsent as another Warrior spirit sharing the body of their daughter. But once she was two and the voidsent could manage to manifest itself for a short time, they saw what it truly was.They declared her cursed and rather than kill her as their khatun had initially demanded. They placed her in a small boat and pushed her towards Kugane in hopes of her being rescued. Luckily for her she was indeed rescued by a Lalafellen couple who adopted her and took her back to Ala Mhigo. Kamille's voidsent was interesting to her mother, an on the low down black mage, and nifty to her father, a secret Reaper and head of the secretive order of the Astral Hunt. Kamille was trained as a Reaper primarily and educated on the Void by her mother. This helped Kamille bond further with her voidsent who'd learned to manifest as a small version of Scathatch. The very same Voidsent also proclaimed to be a smidgen of Scathatch herself. Kamile doesn't believe her and calls her Scratch.River is more Lalafell than Au Ra at this point. She considers herself Ala Mhigan and has very little desire to go to The Steppe to find her parents...but that didn't stop her from doing just that. She engaged both of her parents in a duel in front of the entire clan and defeated them both handily. She was recognized as a Dotharl and was welcomed back to the clan but she refused and left after making her point. Her birth parents are proud of her either way.


Kamille has an inferiority complex about her sizes. Both height and chest sizes to be exact. It's one of the few things she can't fix and it bugs her.She has an abundance of chest freckles. She sees it as a point of pride and usually wears tops that let it show when she's not in her armor.Kamille loves bracelets. She'll steal yours if you aren't careful.Kamille sleepwalks, talks, fights, and eats. Just keep an eye on her at night.Her Ala Mhigan accent is thick when she pissed.She's Ala Mhigan raised and doesn't talk about much about her time with her people.


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Nakia Ik'nal.    

Nakia is Kamille's best friend and girlfriend. Nakia is studious and more grounded when compared to her partner. She also has the ability to detect when an influx of darkness affects the aether of the star. She's the Hunt's Scryer and Kamille tends to drop everything when she detects something. She has a habit of picking on the smaller Kamille despite Kamille being absolutely ripped.

Eva Luzana.    

Kamille loves Eva and would horribly gut anyone who hurt her.

Komara Anakia .    

Komara is technically the second in command of the Hunt and Kamille's other girlfriend. She jolly and energetic which is the exact opposite of the tired and lethargic Kamille. Komara is also Kamille's go to sparring partner since the woman is made of unending energy.

Kae Tu.    

Kae is Kamille's sister from another mister. She's a skilled red mage and pictomancer. Kae is incredibly blunt and is doing a comic adaptation of Kamille's books. They've proven very popular in Kugane.

Gravy Train.    

The Lalafell with the weird ass name just showed up in her basement one night and instead of actually investigating, Kamille just let her stay. Gravy says she's nmot from Eorzea but can't remember where she comes from. Kamille think's she's pretty and weird.


Unsundered Kamille.    

"Well, I think they're cute. Just plug your nose?"- Micola Probabaly

Micola was the name of the woman Kamille came from. She's the chaotic mess that created what we all know as Morbols. She thought they were cute and they originally smelled amazing. She was an oddly mischievous woman despite being a brilliant researcher. She was always playing pranks or doing to most what seemed like nothing, when she was in fact, doing her own research on emotions. Emotions as energy was her main interest and after writing a lengthily and very detailed thesis on how it may be used to positively alter the subjects labeled as flawed, she was permitted to join the researchers in Pandæmonium.